Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blindsided, posibly, but desirably so

From childhood's hour I have not been.
As others were, I have not seen.
As others saw, I could not awaken.
My heart to joy at the same tone.
And all I loved, I loved alone.”

How does pain work? Do we feel heartache differently or do we all feel it in the same way? Maybe like love, we do not. We all know pain in some form, as we all, I hope, know love. They re not opposites. They re related thou, sometimes united like conjoined twins. Like heart and brain, pain and love  are strong pillars throughout our life. They make us, but they can SO break us! They also help each other out. Pain subsides through love, and love can smile through any amount of pain. If we have loved much, we must have given much also, and when everything's over, we feel as though we have lost everything.

I left hate out. Its the poison in everything, really. Its for this very reason that I resent hate,but how can I ignore it, when "red-hot anger takes away a lot of the heartache"...
I strongly believe that a prerequisite for love is believing in being loved back by the person you love. Complete absence of this believe would kill your love, leaving other feeling grow, anything else but love. But they say love simply is. Yes,it is there, only for that tiny amount of faith that the object of your desires wants you too. It may not show it, it may hurt you,make you cry, humiliate you but you must still think deep down it loves you /for you to fall in love.  
Raw love, like raw heartache, could blindside you.
And so we may become, but we want to. All in the name of love.... The need to be loved should really be at the bottom of the hierarchy of needs. Every single thing we do nowadays seem to cry: love me! We 're socializing more than ever before in the history of mankind, and yes is on line social networking but we don't mind, for we are taking it as serious as the real thing! Damn some can't tell the difference! Still we re lonelier than ever (it might have something to do exactly with that!!) and we crave attention more than ever before. We are indeed, addicted to love, whatever place may come from. 

quotes by :Victoria Ashton, Edgar Allan Poe, Jodi Picoult ,Jocelyn Soriano

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