Monday, November 25, 2013

A book is a gift you can open again and again

I was given a book to read, and I m already in love with it!!!
I just discovered Paul Ferrini, and these are a
few things he says in The Love Miracle  (simply amazed!!)

The power of love will make miracles in your life as wonderful as any attributed to me.
Your birth into this embodiment is no less holy than mine. The love that you extend to others is no less important than the love I extend to you.

You see what you choose to see, because all perception is a choice.
And when you cease to impose your meanings on what you see,
your spiritual eyes will open, and you will see a world free of judgment
and shining in its endless beauty.

Words and concepts will not open your heart. Only love can open your heart.

You will not be saved by my thoughts and actions, but by your own. Except you become the Christ, peace will not come to the world. If you would see me as king, then king must you yourself be.
Do not put this distance between us, for I am no different from you. Whatever you are — a beggar or thief, a holy man or a king — that I am too. There is no pedestal I have not been lifted upon, nor any gutter I have not lain in. It is only because I have touched the heart of both joy and pain that I can walk through the doors of compassion.

That is why you are here: to enter the darkness you perceive in yourself and others and to find the light which lives there. Once you find the light, no matter how tiny or insignificant it seems, your life will never be the same. A light bearer never questions the light s/he carries. And so s/he can offer it to others patiently and without fear.

Religions, sects, dogmas are nothing but obstacles on the journey home. Anyone who thinks he has the one and only truth builds his house on quicksand. It will not take long before he discovers that his pride, narrow-mindedness, and lack of tolerance toward others were the cause of his undoing.
If you are a loving person, does it matter if you are Jewish, or Muslim, or Taoist? That love expresses itself regardless of what you believe. The language of love is not a language of words. You may use words, but love does not depend on the words that you use. A few simple words and a heartfelt gesture are enough to convey your acceptance and celebration of another person.
Words and concepts will not open your heart. Only love can open your heart.

When love is in your heart, the path opens before you. Actions flow spontaneously from you. There is no self-consciousness, ambivalence, or deliberation. For these are not the qualities of love. Love is unconditional and direct. It always finds the beloved, even when she is hiding.

get the book !! love! 


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