Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fear is a liar

You re suppose to think before you act.  But to what extent , how much thought you re meant to put into, before going for it ?!  Too much thinking isn t good.  You ll miss on living your life through fear of not making mistakes    Because fear IS a liar.  You wish to do a thing, start a new career, dedicate yourself to your hobby, give up the job you hate, confess your feelings to someone , and you cannot do it.  You keep telling yourself the right time will come or better, something to your advantage will happen.  But life does not work this way.  I say it cause I know it.  Whatever I wish for and I do not have yet, is only because of my fear. I m afraid I ll fail.  I m afraid.   And at the same time I know there's no other way to it,  except walking through that fear.  The road to my dreams crosses the land of fear .
Many of us are not aware of their fear, and they keep blaming circumstances or others, for not going for what they want . For not having what they want.  They also wear their " face" in public: accomplished, successful , dresses to the nines, right place, right friends.  You can play the game easily once you know the rules . What's amazing about it, you ll need easy talents to excell at this game.  The most important ingredient : pretentiousness. You can claim you re anything you want,once you make sure to be loud about it . They ll be quick to believe you. It goes hand in hand with fakeness but we re all for it : new " talents" are product of directed " live" tv shows,  they re this generation heroes, and what's best there s a chance of making real life contact through twitter!!
And so you have it.  They found the answer to facing fear:  become something everyone wants so you don t have to face fear and become what you really want to be.
I still have to face my fears.  What I m positive about is that I m aware of it every day.  If fear is a liar .... I don t lie myself ,for I  acknowledge it.  And I have a plan too.  Ha !

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