Saturday, October 26, 2013

The "vintage" generation

I often smile at my mum nativity .... Oh and yes, I often kick myself over mine ....
It seems to me that our parents generation, our grandparents generation is "better"
How will I say it .... They re warmer , they re hartful , they re not as much driven by gains
Instead they appreciate the nature, a laugh, a real conversation as opposite to a " fb conv"
They re so much more likely to call over texting ... And they re more keen on home visits , walks in the park and quality family time .... We , the younger , perpetually on the run, don t have or make time for nothing that does not makes us money :( ... If there isn t a way to get know , talked about , seen or accepted in new high circles, than forget about it , we re not doing it ..... :(
I don t know why but I ve always taken the time to listen to the elderly ...  I gave myself a chance to learn something that , let's be serious, only experience can teach you.   It's all been said before, I agree, but I sure have not heard it all .... Not to say that every old owl is an wise owl ... But do listen to the elderly .... We all have a story to tell and theirs might surprise you :)  and what I like most about them is that they don t bother anymore with things that don t matter .... They find out what it really matters and so life gets less complicated : "I have reached an age when, if someone tells me to wear socks, I don't have to." Albert Einstein (1879-1955).   
I met some time ago a woman 69 years young.   I liked her straight away and after talking and talking I realised why this happened.  She proved to me something you hear but people don t really apply it to themselves : you re as young as your heart is.   She said to me : laugh , don t think of time, live every moment and don t regret a thing   We all do mistakes.   Just learn and get better and never forget to keep both your heart and your mind open to new love.  Believe in love and everything will follow, believe in people even if they hurt you.   Don t hold on to hate , it will only poison you, and not the one you hate.     I liked these words maybe because I live by them    I believe the saying : "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”    I prefer to forget and try forgive and it's always worked got me.   , cause hate is for the heart what extra pounds are for the body .  
I don t know if I ll meet this lady again.  But I ll sure remember her.  We had such a connection I felt her as young and optimistic as me.  How rare is that ...   Of course we all have problems , poor woman was in hospital and going through chimo.  She wasn t afraid.   She said " how God wants".  How many of us are saying this today, when hard times hits us ... We look for " smart" explanations and excuses and we d be quick to blame someone , doesn t matter who it is.     We re quick to point fingers and quick to step on friends if that will get us ahead socially ... We doubt genuine persons because we don t recognise them anymore .. " it takes one to know one" and there are less and less down to earth genuine warm persons out there ... 
This warm woman did not look down on me , she listened to my stories and smiled ... I listened to her stories and I was amazed  .. I ve seen so many young people laugh at the elderly , behaving with no respect whatsoever, having no patience.   These youngsters are so naive , don t they know they ll get there ?!   Because the only way not to get old is to die young ....  We ve no control over the time of our death but we sure love life at any age.

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