Wednesday, October 30, 2013

something sweet and me, not so .....

I arrived home from gym, annoyed because the weight bar disappeared !! I cannot believe this....I m thinking to join a proper gym for some time now, but given the fact that I enjoy jogging outside, than go in for a few sets of squats and some more cardio, I said there s no point yet. This small gym will do, plus is free.  And now the weight bar has been removed for health and safety reasons, apparently. Such nonsense, its a gym!! and what about the other weights? 
And I did feel hungry so took some change and went to the shop to get apples. Mum shouted after me to get something, I could not hear her,or maybe didn't want to, guessing what she's after. I was already on the hallway. When back she complained I did not get her anything sweet. My mum is worse than a five year old. I m like "mum, I can't get you sweets, its late, and all these sweets for you and Brandon are making you fat" I believe she would hate it if I had control over what she eats. She is overweight, still she won't stop herself from anything.

I really believe we grow old into this body and its up to us how we keep it running, like an engine, we either take care of it and eat healthy and keep it healthy or it starts "leaking" and "breaks down" with age. My mum is an extraordinary person, but she can't be "sensible" about food, gossip or answers    :))))))     She will never say "I don't know", she will always have an answer made out of bits she heard, put together in , unsurprisingly so, an erroneous way. Oh, I m sorry mum 

And I am harsh with her, and I know I am, and I feel horrible for being so. Its just she isn't feeling her best for the last....couple years or more?   :((((. She admitted to not liking it that she's less powerful than ever before, and accepting it its quite hard. And that 's exactly why I say to her, I am trying to keep healthy, exercise and eat healthy, so I don't have to deal with so much when I m older. But lifetime habits are hard to break, and she won't listen to me, even knowing I m right. She was told to cut the salt completely given the weight and the high blood pressure, but she just replaced it with seasoning. Gosh, mum, that s maybe worse. She knows I m being critical with her just because I care , still she won't listen. 

Brandon got a couple of good habits, by himself, and I m so proud of him. He would not touch tomatoes seasoned with salt for example. Or anything else. He hates salt yuppppyyyy ! And he would not eat very late usually, he s just not hungry after 7pm. Well this last habit is jeopardized by my mum habits .....When I was back from the shop, they both were like: something sweet? I gave them each an apple and they liked it!! They are in fact delicious, when you crave for something and they both realized that. I might become a bit of a healthy freak, I already replaced milk with soya milk, and got myself whey protein for some pre-workout shakes.( so one shake a day really )  My aim is not to get muscular like a body builder by any means, its only to keep fit and replace the bad stuff I m eating with good stuff. If only my mum could do that!!! Or try a little.   
And final thought : "feed your body good food. feed your mind good thoughts"! peace !

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