“I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done,
of everything done-to-me. I am everyone everything
whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine.
I am anything that happens after I'm gone
which would not have happened if I had not come.”
Some ambitious statistics have put a figure in the number of people that were ever born on Earth .... Over 100 billion . But that figure may be as accurate, and i guess less so , than the figure we ever placed on the stars of the universe ...
That number is not really important , is it ? We re born But we die We get one chance, one fate, one fight, and if we re lucky, more than no love, more than one love .... We re born but the love or care of our mother is not necessarily guaranteed ... Neither is love from others Or indeed the fact that we will give it to someone else ... That may be the reason for which , subconsciously , everything we do during life is actually motivated by our innate need for warmth , acceptance and love
We may not be always aware of this happening, but we became acutely aware when we lack them things ..... Still , we die We don t last, and memories fade .
“I know that I am mortal by nature, and ephemeral; but when I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia”
You were ephemeral...Just like a Shooting Star... I'm still kind of blind because of your light, but when I close my eyes, I find you there again... I will always remember the time you shone on my sky, the excitement of seeing you once through my night... And maybe I will remember you so much that I'll begin to idealize you, and at the end... I won't be sure if it was all real or part of it was much of my imagination... but you will be the perfect memory and that will make me smile
People dream of forever, forgetting that forever does not exists....I dream of all those times when time stopped and forever or a moment,it did not mattered, for we were infiniteGod has no religion and so love has no reason, question and answer. Love is a mystery that just happens. We re looking for proofs that God exists and love is the proof yet we fail to acknowledge.
To leave the past behind me, I lost so much and it did hurt, it still does. If I give memory the time, the pain will pierce through mercilessly. I lost a lot to find myself and its all worth it after all. I may have lost the love of others to find the love for myself.
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