One of the things you learn in life is to live. Learning to be happy is not easy especially when we re buried in thoughts and worries and resentment. Learn how to detach yourself from their poison and you than LIVE.
Life is all about learning. We learn to love, we learn to hate,
we learn to trust, we learn to betray, we learn to live and we learn to die.
Be good in your learning. Because that what makes you, YOU.
We often make the mistake of assuming things . About things. About people. We assume and that alone alters our behavior, and of course the result of that behavior.
We do not have the option to rewind and act differently again. So damage stays in most cases. Remember, in many cases, the obvious is not true. Because more than often, we are living behind a mask. We pose happy when we re not. We pose successful in hoping to get there. We pose good to be treated good back than later we forget to give the gift of goodness.
"We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be. And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions.” | |
We do not have the option to rewind and act differently again. So damage stays in most cases. Remember, in many cases, the obvious is not true. Because more than often, we are living behind a mask. We pose happy when we re not. We pose successful in hoping to get there. We pose good to be treated good back than later we forget to give the gift of goodness.
And than, ironically, when it comes to ourselves, most of us can read the writing on the wall (but) we just assume is addressed to someone else. We d lie ourselves if that suits. We very much prefer to not confront reality. We are afraid, forgetting that whatever we do not confront, we cannot change.

I learn every day : do not assume anything. Think about things, analyse, prepare, but be ready to work hard no matter what. Sometimes it takes effort to be good but make that effort. Be nice. People will remember that Do not forget what you want and who you are
Do not allow a bad day to take you off track. Again, treat people with compassion and share your best energy. It will pay you back. You should and you will get positive responses. Plus it gives you a better chance to make up their character The way they ll respond will show their cut. Similar to when two people are in love, one s behaviour changes the others for the better. Thats why is so important to create good interactions that grow knot good relationships. The price is your attitude, your servitude and good intentions. Thats what you pay. But what you get for that is value: real response, real results and quality relationships with people. Ultimately thats what we all strive for. Less assumptions are there , more truthful the outcome will be. Plus the truth builds trust like nothing else. Truth and trust are thd strongest foundation to have. Achieve that and everything after it's just easier. People will respond and cherish what you have built . After all , everything it worth building takes hard work. Requires passion. And a clean heart. Requires you dedicated wholly To be able to work hard, keep your positivity up Smile to nay sayers. They ll always be around. Laugh. And be happy did every single step forward that you take
I learn every day : do not assume anything. Think about things, analyse, prepare, but be ready to work hard no matter what. Sometimes it takes effort to be good but make that effort. Be nice. People will remember that Do not forget what you want and who you are
Remember that if you cannot do the greatest things
do the small things but in a great way.
Take small steps towards greatness
A good life is when you assume nothing,
do more, need less, smile often,
dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are
for what you have.
quotes by Ivern Ball,
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