Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter to the boy that stole my heart

I was recently taken aback when I found out that one of my new colleagues, a lot younger than I am, has a 4 years old son. "Sure,what else would you be doing with your life" he told me.   I supposed I was seeing him just a boy, late nights out and loads of "good for nothing" type of things. I was wrong. More I talked to him I got to find out how crazy he is about his small family and how impatient he gets to finish work and just go home play with his son. In a society full of young people who wait for a miracle, but waste their youth waiting, he has his own.         And nothing else matters much. 

And in the same way, my son is simply the apple of my eye. Isn't all we parents do, do only for the sake of our children? Hoping ultimately,that all we have done for our children will not go unrewarded. And by reward we don't mean it to ourselves, but to them? To have a better life and happier days. And no matter what my son would do, at the bottom of my heart he shall always find forgiveness, for a mother's love is infinite. 

My dear son. You grow so fast and I find myself at times longing for your hugs. I may answer to God for my mistakes in life, but I m surely more afraid of your judgment than His!  If I want to be better,or kinder,or wiser, I only want to be so for you. I m probably not a perfect mother, for "there is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one", so I only hope to be one in the million...
It won't be long before you walk away from me, go on with your life, and I would never stay between you and your freedom. I only hope you ll remember a few things when away from me:

Your mother hug, my hug, will lasts long after I let go,

I may have hold your hands for a short while, but your heart forever!

It will be me, your mum, to whom you hurry when you are troubled

as I will always understand, even the things you do not say!

If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been

Rich or poor in life, I ll always be the bank where you can deposit all your hurts and worries.

It kills me to see you grow up. But I guess it would kill me quicker if you didn't....

When you were small and just a touch away, I covered you with blankets
against the cold night air. But now that you are tall and out of reach,
I fold my hands and cover you with prayer

...and finally , my son :  
You may get to love your  sweetheart the most, and wife the best,
but you shall love your mum the longest

Youth fades, love droops,
the leaves of friendship fall
a mother's secret hope
outlives them all....

thats all I wish you for...!!!

quotes by :  Robert Brault, DeWitt Talmage, Jill Churchill, Oliver Holmes

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