Saturday, October 19, 2013

thought of today: We are what we know and we feel what we dream

I believe I mentioned before: I don't have the best memory out there, I might go as far as saying my memory is quite bad. Someone said life is changing but the great thing about memories is that they stay the same. And it is mostly true. But going through my notes when writing my past stories, there were times when I felt my memory betrayed me. I wasn't sure I wrote it as its been. At the time I wrote there was such passion attached to those things, and now when i m writing it again, time mellowed me some. 

Are memories doomed to be reshaped by feelings, to a certain extent? I wrote this sentence as a statement than changed it to a question. I guess I question everything.  Passion, pain, frustration, confusion, hate, love, they will all be adding colors to how events are remembered. Time passes and inevitably detachment grows. Memories will stay the same, as past cannot be changed, but somehow doubt grows over the very feelings we had back than. How else can I explain "another's life"? 

We are what we know. No matter how opened our mind and heart are, were limited to our knowledge, we re fenced by our feelings. I always wanted to know, curious to observe, accepting differences between me and the person next. Nevertheless I m sure I went on missing millions of signs and signals, as I believe that " what you recognize in others exists already in yourself" but is not the whole of the other of course. And yes, I m different myself and that completes me, plus I m changing every moment throughout life. (I like to believe that, as I associate change with improvement, even if that's not necessarily true or constantly so) 

Let yourself dream. And so you ll feel. Let yourself be carried by what you wish to live and it will come to you , the warmth you dream of shall find you. I am the first to be afraid of dreaming. This is for me a big thing to admit, is a flaw within me that I m aware of. Like its said in the Bible/ Ecclesiastes: "the dream comes through much effort" When I actually do dream its half conscious, is a self imposed exercise in dreaming. I m still a learner. I m shy to dream and when my dreams randomly come true, I m nothing short of astonished. I thank God and I believe again in me and Him. Unlike ourselves, unlike our beings, dreams are limitless. And this is how we become limitless too. We re bounded by desire, by fear, by pain and all sorts of feelings, but we are freed by dreams and hopes. Life, dreams,feelings are in essence one and the same. Let yourself feel as wild as your dreams and only than you can claim for your life. 

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