Monday, September 22, 2014

An eye for an eye and we re all blind

justice: is the exercise of authority in vindication of right by assigning reward or punishment

the word is over 860 year old....
Justice was once justitia, an old French word that descended from
Latin to mean righteousness and equity. A similar word from the same Latin root was justus , meaning upright and just
"The world isn't fair, Calvin."
"I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favour?”

Can t help thinking about one or two people for whom IT WAS unfair in their favour.... yes, they happen to be famous, or rich, or both. They got away with way more than any of us, normal people would, and when I hear "oh, that trial would have had a different result in a different country", I am not satisfied.  Justice should be the same everywhere, right ? Justice should have no colour, no language, no geography and no circumstantial excuses.
Why? because injustice anywhere affects justice everywhere. Because every injustice will create a ripple effect somewhere. What that means is that every little injustice (the action) will have continuing and spreading results somewhere. So first of all it will not end there, it will continue, and second of all it will spread. Real life results which we forget about. We make decisions, unjust decisions forgetting about the ripple effect of the injustice we make, breed and spread.

How many of us are actually getting what they deserve ?  are we  being appreciated for our real worth?  Or maybe we are and we still believe we aren't . No matter the case, you and I both hope for more for whatever we put in : work , time , stress, feelings ... But life isn' t fair .... So what's the way to get the most ?   the comment of a friend of mine made me think about it : we don t get what we deserve, but what we negotiate .  So much truth in these words .   And I m so annoyed with myself cause I never realised as much    Nobody told me that , I ve never heard it and to my shame, I came to learn this quite late given my age.
But the real problem here is not that nobody gets what deserves. The real problem is that all of us, you and me and our friends and our parents, we all created through the ripple effect of injustice , a world in which is purely impossible to get what you deserve.

Because  every time we make the world more just in our favour
we make it more unjust for all the rest of us.

I have done it myself ... Many times. and still doing it . Complain. Life isn't fair. And I know right when I m saying / thinking it- that its in my power to get a bit of fairness that being said, I should not do be ready to do anything for that.

Because there can't be justice without some humility and sacrifice.

Without  a strong just system in place, we only fool ourselves we re doing fine and we re being safe. Because true peace is not merely the absence of tension. True peace is the presence of justice. And a society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (so watch out for all that charity work out there- why is it needed?) We get back to why.   Why is the supreme word that we all don't like and therefore are using less and less. We like comfort and comfort doesn't do much questioning. Once we re comfortable in our expensive homes and fast cars given by a system feeding on thousands charities and NGO s , we don't ask, we don't know.  What we don't know cannot affect our bubble like existence. But something got to give and the bubble is deemed and doomed to burst.

Change in the world begins with us. Fairness and justice for our children begins with each of us. We can't ask for justice when all we aim for is justice for ourselves. THEREFORE:  “Don’t say you don’t have enough time or enough money to change the world. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Gandhi, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci and Jesus Christ.”  

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