Sunday, December 15, 2013

FLY: first love yourself (have compassion)

We rarely admit what and who we are. In fact, we fight what we are, we rarely accept ourselves. We pose as someone else. We behave in public different to how we behave in privacy. We crave acceptance from the others when it is only through acceptance of ourselves  that we can possibly come to peace. How pathetic are we. How pathetic am I. The biggest mistake I do (and some of you too) is that I go through a lot of bother to avoid what I am afraid of. Rejection. Reproach. Enemies.  Critics.  So much more that I take to obtain what I dream of. Inner peace.  Happiness. Positiveness. Once you get these, its funny and incredible how unimportant material things come to be.   And thats why I m pathetic. In my little world, I educated myself to believe I m in control of my pitiful life, when in fact I cannot control a damn thing. And most times is just easier to pretend everything is ok and smile. Or so I say.

Oh, pull yourself together
and say a prayer now
for all your sins 'till today done
its not like you do have a plan
to never sin again
You use your month each day and here,
why don't you stop
to look within...and drop the "but"
get rid of all your wants
just ask to be forgiven

take a moment and one tear 
for those who won't wake up
and have no sunrise 
you ll get your rest, poor thing
and soon enough

Compassion starts with your own heart. How can you give it to another human being, if you can't warm towards yourself?  Because "if your compassion does not include yourself,it is incomplete" And if the verses above sounds critical and harsh, you need to see they re not. Look beyond the surface. In prayers, people find peace. They pray for forgiveness and at the same time they become able to forgive themselves. What's done is done, it cannot be changed. That's why is important to come to touch with our most private thoughts and fears, surrender to your God but also to  yourself. Have understanding for the choices you made, they might not have been the right thing to do, but you re here now and here is the right place to be. You have made some mistakes and you may not be where you want to be but that has nothing to do with your future. Practice compassion every day and start with yourself. 

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